Thursday, February 25, 2010

Math Contest Feburary 25 2010

Today, we took the math contest! Usually, when I took math contest, there was no pressure. I did not strive to get a good score. However, today, there was pressure, and i was inclined to do better. I was not nervous though. I was just more focused. I was able to do hard questions! On the test, my favorite question was 23. It was about gold. To do it, we had to find out how much gold blair got. Someone got 24 of the lightest bars which weighed 45 percent of the total amount and someone else got 13 bars which weighed 26 percent of the weight. To find out the answer, i plugged in the different multiple choice answers into the question. The unit weight of each one has to be inbetween the unit weight of the heaviest and lightest. basically, i had to find a number that fit between 1.875 and 2. I found out that 15 was the answer! After finishing the math contest, i got a feeling of happiness. I was finally done! and i felt like i had just finished climbing a mountain.

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